Sorry for the bottle being a little destroyed. I used this before I took the photo. |
L'Oreal Sunkiss Jelly is a very unique formula. You can either slap this all over your head, create ombre or add natural highlights. All you do is apply it to dry hair, make sure you have rubbed it in well using the gloves provided, and then either sit out in the sun and let that dry your hair. Or use a hair dryer to dry it. No need to wet your hair or wash it off. A very strange concept I must admit. It does have a very strange smell to it. I swore blind it smelt like "holiday" but when I used it again, it smelt a little like onions.... Nooo idea. Probably just me being daft on that one.
Now a good blogger would have taken a before and after photo. I haven't done this, but then saying that I am not at my desired colour. I will do an updated version of this when I finally am. At the moment my hair is almost a caramel colour. So it has lightened up a good 2-3 tones already and that is within 4 uses. I started on the 02 bottle and I have used two bottles of this. My next one is the 03 which will take my hair up to blonde hopefully.
Sunkiss Jelly, hasn't seemed to damage my hair in any way, it has just done exactly what it says on the box. "Sunkissed Look, Summer in a Tube".